Rolling Forward with Cycling Skills Training in Ontario Schools
Rolling Forward With Cycling Skills Training in Ontario

Rolling Forward with Cycling Skills Training in Ontario webinar shares existing resources and ideas for cycling skills training in schools to keep programs moving forward, instead of reinventing the wheel in each community.

Jaime Akiyama, GreenUP
Andrew Hibma, New Hope Community Bikes
Sabat Ismail, Urban Planning Graduate Student and DIY Bike Mechanics Instructor
Kristin Schwartz, CultureLink Settlement Services

Jamie Stuckless, Stuckless Consulting Inc.


Additional Resources

Ride Smart Manual
Manual provides an overview of the Ride Smart program and Ride Smart values, as well as specific information about assigning staff roles, rules for participating students, and a summary of the program’s safe cycling skill modules. This program is coordinated by New Hope Community Bikes.

Bike to School Week Guide for Schools
Guide includes tips for teaching cycling skills in the classroom and the schoolyard, how to conduct ABC quick checks, and preparing for group rides. This guide was developed by CultureLink and the Ontario Active School Travel program.

Pedal Power Manual
Provides the curriculum, lesson plans, and evaluation tools that are used as part of the in-school Pedal Power program in Peterborough. This program is coordinated by GreenUP.

Ontario Road Safety Resource
Includes walking & cycling lessons for primary, junior, intermediate and secondary students. Developed by the Ministry of Transportation, Ophea and the Canadian Automobile Association.

Communities interested in learning more about the various cycling skills training programs in Ontario can check out:

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