Funding for Active School Travel initiatives in Ontario

Up to $100K in funding will be provided to partnership-based projects that expand active school travel and build a foundation for lasting impact. Green Communities Canada is soliciting applications to the Fund from communities across Ontario.

The lead applicant must be one of the following key local stakeholders for active school travel in the applicant community:

  • public health
  • municipality (lower, single or upper tier)
  • school board
  • student transportation consortium
  • non-profit corporation

To find out more about the funding available, and how to apply, visit:

A Q&A webinar will be held on Tuesday 30 January 2018. If you would like to attend please sign-up on the web page.

About the Fund

The Ontario Active School Travel Fund is part of Ontario Active School Travel, a provincial framework for increasing active transportation for school journeys. Ontario Active School Travel is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education, and managed and delivered by Green Communities Canada (GCC). The ultimate goal is to achieve population-level change – to reverse the decline in active school travel in Ontario, and to establish a culture of walking and wheeling for school journeys.

For further information about Ontario Active School Travel see:


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