Ideas, toolkits, reports, and guides to help get more kids using active transportation:
Ideas Lab
A searchable catalogue of inspirational ideas and how-to resources that will help families, schools, and practitioners get started and take action.
Walking and Wheeling Skills Training Hub
Best practices for organizations and municipalities that are looking to start or grow school-based active transportation skills training programs in their community.
Hop! App
The app enables students to track their walks to school or around the neighbourhood. It also provides motivating stats, contests, and badges!
Inspire Active Journeys Kit
Communication assets for encouraging behaviour change and supporting families on active journeys to school.
Investigation of Supportive Policy for Active School Travel
Evidence-based policy recommendations and assets for school boards, municipalities, and the provincial government.
School Streets Guide
Lessons learned from pilots implemented in Ontario communities. Step by step guidance and recommendations for how to plan and implement car-free zones around schools.

Fresh Air for Kids
Lesson plans and supporting materials to teach elementary students about air pollution and how changing transportation mode can impact air quality.
Coming Soon.